Reverie by valeria perez
Un retumbo en mi alma sueña
De lagos marinos hechos hogar
Azuleja ligera espesa
Sumergida en la profundidad
Respiracion accesorio
Rodeada por bendiciones
Amore sesterlinos
Sostienen y admiran
Mis hombros, mi espina
Su mirada habita
la esencia de mi vida
You are buoyant in my dreams
Estamos nadando juntos
I am the essence
Of your respiration
My presence
Warms you crimson
El rojizo no te queda muy bien
Your grin escapes
As it hears my very name
Enlightening, Enchanting
Divine Incantation
A siren’s song
My infinite attachment
Your only demise
Cuando falleces me quedare aquí
I lavish in every
Twinkling detection
Of pure, sterling
Begging to diffuse
And engulf
Every ounce
Of soft skin,
No existe suficiente cercanía
My fingers
Gently weaving
This tapestry
Mutually absorbing
Our serenity
Si solo pudiera grabar este momento
You find
my pneuma
It causes you
To chuckle
Observe in awe
Reflect and question
Dissolve in
Euphoric turbulence
Amo tu admiración
We no longer float
For I have tugged
And dragged,
Desperately carrying
Love filled memories
Wishing to resurrect
Their stoic form
You’ve left me with dreams
No me despiertes
I’ll tuck away my dormant hope
Your embrace alive
In my lines of reveries

Valeria Perez is a first-gen Mexican American born and raised in Houston, Texas. Despite the heat, she largely enjoys gardening (especially when her plants don’t die) and sustainability. She genuinely believes her best writing happens late at night in her notes app only to be reworked and dissected in the morning. This is her first publication.